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PS Measures





Emergency Response


Site Emergency Evacuation Plan - Escape, Evacuation, & Rescue Analysis

In case of emergency, efficient escape, evacuation, and rescue plan is vital to avoid/minimize injuries and fatalities; i.e., Emergency Plan and Response.


BC performs detailed Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis (EERA) from data collected and results obtained during PS Analysis / PS Assessment development.

The emergency response process is based on how the following EER elements are addressed:

  • Detection of an incident and communication of the emergency.

  • Access to muster areas.

  • Mustering and the command and control of the emergency.

  • Egress from muster points to the evacuation points.

  • Primary and secondary Evacuation points.

  • Escape, if the evacuation points are inaccessible.

  • Rescue and subsequent recovery, where personnel are brought to a place of safety.

The study performed by BC ensures site layout drawings, which include and mark all cited EERA elements; e.g., emergency control points, muster areas, main/local gathering points, emergency shelters, location of control rooms and substations, preferred and alternate evacuation routes, escape routes.

The more robust the quantitative assessment, the more detailed the EERA results:

  • Precise simulations

  • Economic and competitive solution


Accurate Calculations, Robust Results, and Elegant Cost-Effective Solutions

BC - Bright Calcs LLC

Process Safety & Loss Prevention

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